Healthy Routines

Cator Sparks, Boon Coach

New Year, New You, right? It’s always fun to kick off the new year with attainable goals. Emphasis on ‘attainable’. One goal many of us strive for is a healthier work/life balance. Oftentimes we find ourselves answering emails in the middle of the night or inhaling junk food because it’s sitting around the office. With many of us getting back to the office and weaning off of ‘work from home’, now is a great time to start setting goals for healthier routines both at work and at home.


Healthy Routines at Home

We can easily fall into the frantic schedule of rushing through a shower, grabbing something quick to eat and running out the door. But mornings don’t have to be so frantic if we just manage our time better. Here are some ideas for a new and healthy morning routine:

  • Get up earlier. If you are always rushing, get up an hour earlier. Start off by stretching, then try journaling while having your coffee and reflect on the day ahead. Prepare a healthy breakfast (the night before if easier) and give yourself time to relax and enjoy a sacred morning routine.

  • If you work from home, take a morning walk before you start your day. This will get your body and mind moving and give you more energy for the rest of your workday.

  • Limit your time on your phone. Maybe take 20 minutes over coffee to check social media, then leave it alone until you are off the clock or maybe even until the next day.

  • Keep a neat and tidy workspace. Ideally, the whole house should be our own little haven, but if the kids have taken over the living room, make sure your workspace is serene, clean, bright, and quiet.

  • Cook a healthy dinner. Save UberEats for when you are under the weather. Cooking can be a meditative experience and making something healthy for just you or your family can be equally rewarding.

  • Get to bed at a decent hour. Eight hours of sleep is the standard so if you get up at 6am, hit the hay by 10pm. Indulge and get to bed at 9:30 so you can read for thirty minutes!

Healthy Routines in the Workplace

The workplace wellness world has really blossomed in the last few years from in office exercise classes to standing desks. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Getting to and from your office can be exercise in itself. Are you close enough to walk or bike? If so, give it a try!

  • When in the office, restrain yourself from the box of donuts in the kitchen area or the bowl of M&M’s at your neighbors desk. Keep your own healthy snacks at your desk or in the fridge as an alternative. Fruit, nuts, granola, carrots, hummus, and yogurt are all healthy office snacks.

  • If your office has a gym or offers workout classes, take advantage! It’s a great way to get to know your coworkers in a different space as well.

  • Take a walk at lunch. Either eat in the office and then take a walk or stroll to a nearby restaurant. Simply moving around and enjoying some fresh air can really change your energy for the rest of the day.

  • Drink lots of water! It’s imperative to stay hydrated all day, especially in a dry office environment. Bring your own water bottle and refill it as often as needed during the day. Avoid soda and caffeine and just keep to nature’s healthiest beverage.

  • Use a standing desk if possible. Standing can reduce neck and upper back pain and standing burns more calories than sitting.

  • If your office offers life coaching or therapy, take advantage of it. This is a wonderful way to set goals and gain better insight on what you want out of life and your career.


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