How to Get More Time Back in Your Day

Boon Coach, Cator Sparks

Running late.

Not getting enough sleep.

Never checking off your to do list.

Sound familiar? Get in line!

Many folks have difficulty with time management. This makes sense, as time management is something we aren’t really taught — yet we should be.

Exceptional time management can literally be life changing. It can bring calm and a better flow to daily life, and feelings of accomplishment — when we do check off that todo list.

Here are some tips on how to manage your time more effectively…

Start by spending time on yourself

Kick your day off with a little ‘me time’.

Instead of slamming the alarm and dashing out of bed, or waiting for the kids to wake you up, consider waking up 30 minutes before everyone else.

Pour yourself some coffee and just relax in your favorite chair or sofa. Turn on some peaceful music, or journal, or just sit in silence. This is a great way to regulate your mind and body before a busy day.

Work on your weekday schedule on Sunday

Write down your schedule and ‘to do’ list every Sunday, so you know what to expect for the week. This removes time management from the bustle of your weekdays. Add everything to your calendar be sure you give enough time to each event without overbooking yourself.

Consider scheduled breaks

Take breaks. You will be more productive if you stop and go to the kitchen for some water or a snack. If you’re able, take a quick walk outside and get some fresh air! Breaks have been found to result in a much more productive work day. Scheduling breaks can help remind us how important they are, and make it likelier that we actually take them.

Seek balance in your work and personal life

This one can be hard, but it’s important. When the work day is over, do not look at emails again! This is your time for yourself and/or your family. Work email can wait, so focus on making dinner, getting together with friends, and finding that balance that is critical for wellbeing.

Having issues with managing your time?

You are not alone. Working with a coach can be a great way to get into a routine, and more importantly, a way to process the reasons why time management might have become such an issue for you in the first place. Having someone hold you accountable can really bring the balance and clarity you might be missing in your work and personal lives.

Some related areas you might work on with your coach:

  • Techniques for managing stress in the workplace.

  • Building resilience in challenging times.

  • Mindfulness and meditation practices.

Does your organization offer career development and mental well-being coaching, through a solution like Boon?

Schedule a Demo to learn more about how coaching can help you better manage your time.  



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