Meditation 101

Cator Sparks, Boon Coach

When people think of meditation they often roll their eyes. It sounds too elitist. Who has time to light a candle, sit cross legged and zone out for hours on end?  Once people realize the huge benefits of meditation and understand that it can happen anywhere, anytime from five minutes to five hours, their curiosity peaks. 

Meditation has gone from being some new age practice to something corporate leaders rely on. That’s because it works. 

The  benefits of meditation include:

  • Reduced stress

  • Increases focus and attention

  • Reduces negative emotions

  • Helps focus on being present

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Increase memory

  • Finding peace

How to do it:

Many people don’t even know where to start with meditation. It’s fascinating to think how few people spend quite time with themselves. We always have a TV grinding, radio going, or people chatting around us. To sit in silence with your thoughts and emotions can be powerful. Having a daily routine can be most beneficial. When you wake up? During your lunch break? Right when you get home from work? Whatever works for you, take a minimum of 5-10 minutes for yourself to sit and breath. Yes, grocery lists and emails you didn’t respond to will come bouncing through your mind but simply let them go and focus on the breath. Get in a comfortable position, usually sitting upright or against a wall or in a chair, and simply start noticing your breath. The inhale, the exhale, this is your foundation for meditation.

If you are looking for clarity in a situation it can really help to set an intention. Examples include, ‘I want to find peace with my boss after our argument’, or ‘Help me feel less overwhelmed today.’ Breathing into these intentions can help you find peace and clarity.

Where to do it:

Anywhere! No need for a home alter or special mat, pillow, or crystal to get you going. Meditation can happen in your office chair for five minutes or in your car before you go in for a big meeting. What many people don’t realize is meditation can also involve movement. A silent hike or a walk in the park without looking at your cell phone can be a great way to meditate. It’s all about being present with yourself! 

If the silence still has your mind spinning there are some great apps out there that offer music or guided meditations. Headspace and Insight Timer are two great options. And of course if you want to dive deeper into learning more about a meditation practice, there are Boon coaches trained in meditation who can really help you find what works right for you. 

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A Boon Coach’s Reflection  


Prioritizing Mental Health in the Workplace and at Home