Icebreaker Ideas for Your Next Virtual Meeting

Tricia Gehl, Boon Coach

The dreaded icebreaker.  I’d bet money some of you are rolling your eyes as you’re reading this (that’s if you didn’t breeze past it as soon as you read the word “icebreaker”).  Icebreakers have become either a dirty word, something no one wants any part of; or a joke of an exercise that makes people uncomfortable instead of breaking any type of ice.  Despite this, we keep trying to insert them into our team meetings and training programs.  We know they can work when done right, so how do we turn what could be a cringeworthy experience into the fueling and inspiring experience we’re looking for?                             

Know Your Objective

The first question to ask yourself is what are you looking to achieve?  Is this a new group that needs to get to know each other?  Do you lead a team that’s been working together for a while, yet may only know each other on the surface, and you’re looking to deepen their bonds?  Is your team so close to burnout that you’re fearful for their emotional well-being, and just want to provide them with a brief, fun respite?  It’s difficult to craft an impactful icebreaker without having clarity around what you’re looking to provide to those participating; connecting the activity to the desired outcome is critical.  Below are some ideas related to the most common objectives:                

Getting To Know You

  • What is one hobby or activity that you can lose an entire afternoon doing?

  • What is one of your top Values and how do you honor it in your personal life?

  • What is your favorite celebratory tradition from your family or culture?

Strengthening Bonds

  • Share something that you admire or inspires you about the person in the Zoom tile next to you (continue, round-robin style, until each person has had the opportunity to both share and receive)

  • What’s one movie you watched as a child that has had an impact on who you are today?

  • What are your 3 most prized (but non-sentimental) possessions?

Blowing Off Steam

  • Each participant is assigned a random item (think things like a stapler, lemon zester, kitchen tongs, etc. - the more ridiculous the better) and must deliver a 60 second improvised, impassioned commercial touting its benefits, value, and why they cannot live without it

  • If you had unlimited funds, and a full team to execute your vision, what type of Halloween costume would you have created for yourself?

  • How would you describe your ideal day of uninterrupted self-care and relaxation?

Making time for creative and joyous connectivity facilitates trust, bonding, and deeper interactions in the long term.                 

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