How to Accept a Gift

Cator Sparks, Boon Coach

‘Tis the season for gift giving! While this can be a fun time of year, finding that special something for loved ones, or finally receiving that one gift you have been yearning for, gift giving can be awkward. What if you don’t like it? What if you didn’t get them anything? Are you supposed to open it immediately or save for later? This should be a joyous time of year so here are some tips on accepting gifts with grace:

Think About the Gift Giver First
One way we can really focus on being authentic when receiving a gift is thinking about who is giving us the present. Is it your best friend? Your mother? A co-worker? As you are unwrapping, think about them and what they mean to you and your life. This can bring an added layer of gratitude to the gift, regardless of what is in the box.

Don’t be Self Deprecating
Often when someone gives us something that is very special (or expensive), we go straight to being awkward - You didn’t?! You shouldn’t have! This is too much!

This can make the giver feel awkward too, like they did something wrong. Instead of deep diving on the negatives, go full steam positive. When you show authentic appreciation, this is a gift in itself to the giver. A few replies include:

·      You are too kind!

·      Wow! How did you know I love…?

·      I’m so touched. Thank you for thinking of me.

Don’t Fib
If someone gives you a gift, don’t automatically say you have something for them if you don’t. That isn’t (or shouldn’t be) the point. Just be touched that they thought of you and do not bring up that you don’t have anything for them, that is just awkward and brings the lovely moment to a screeching halt.

When to Open
Sometimes people simply drop a gift in your hands at a dinner or party and you aren’t quite sure how to receive it. Simply ask, shall I open this now or later? If it is now, enjoy! If it is later, be sure to call them once you have opened it and thank them then. 

Cash/Check or Gift Card
These options can often be the easy way to go, and if this is what you receive, let the giver know how you plan to use it. Once you have bought something with the cash or card, take a photo and send it to them with a little thank you so they can see what brings your joy.

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